Celebrating the launch of the Fei Cui Standard Website—moving towards an International Standard
Learn More各位GAHK會員,大家好!
口罩令解除,今年GAHK ISO Training Class將在四月二十二日(星期六)舉行,大家可以親身在培訓班和導師講者交流。我們非常高興,ISO專家及翡翠標準項目的專家顧問張展強先生(CK Cheung)工程師 (Ir CK Cheung)應邀擔任培訓班的專題講者,GAHK主席廖尚宜博士和理事邵為忠博士擔任講者。
為令GAHK會員和CG深入瞭解CG進入國際領域的發展,我們特別把以上重要的內容放在今年度ISO/IEC 17025培訓班的範圍和題目之內。
Date | 22 April 2023 (Saturday), 10:00 am - 4:30 pm (Lunch break 12:30pm – 2:00pm) (zoom platform will be open around 9:50am for invited guests & pre-registered participants) |
Event Theme | ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Training Class – The Gateway of Certified Gemmologist (CG) to Certified International Gemmologist (CIG) on the path of Internationalisation of Fei Cui Standard |
Speakers & topics | Latest Progress of Internationalisation of Fei Cui Standard: GIC-GAHK Fei Cui Expert & Professor Team; Key Events in July 2022, January & March 2023 Dr Norman Siu, Director of Certification & Label Scheme, Director of International Affairs, Director of Education, GAHK; Member, CIBJO/GAHK FEI CUI WORKING GROUP; Member, ISO Technical Committee 174 |
An Overview of ISO ESG Standards Ir CK Cheung, Fei Cui Standard Project Expert Advisor BSc (First Class Honours), MSc (Imperial College), DIC, MEng (HKU), MHKIE, RPE ANAB, HKAS & IAS Lead Assessor | |
Core Competence of Gemmologist of Accredited Laboratory: Experience of the Practice of Hong Kong Fei Cui Standard Dr Edward Liu, Chairman, GAHK; Member, CIBJO/GAHK FEI CUI WORKING GROUP | |
Venue | 勞聯教學中心 - 深水埗大埔道1 8號中國聯合銀行大廈1字樓 The number of onsite seats is limited to 30. For those who want to be the onsite attendees, please send reply slip to GAHK. For those who want to be the online attendees - download the app Zoom and send reply slip to GAHK, complete online Google Form and send message to Mr Tony Wong Whatsapp 97312284, Mr Eric Choi 92592686. |
Language | Cantonese |
Fee | Member HKD350 Non-member HKD500 |
CPD Hour | 4 CPD-hours counted for GAHK Members and registered Certified Gemmologists |
這個持續進修4個學習時數的ISO培訓班是踏入CG登記的重要單元,內容為GAHK會員度身訂造,在國際化的最新進展情況下,講者會展現 Certified Gemmologist (CG) to Certified International Gemmologist (CIG)的發展藍圖,有最新ISO行內資訊之外,已登記CG的會員亦可再吸收更新內容,加強自身知識。會即場頒發給出席證書予參加者,並一起拍大合照,以作紀念,不容錯過!
GAHK 認證及標籤計劃理事
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/TnKZHrKe7bLvwhD-J4QzUQ 践行社会责任,实现可持续发展—— 「ESG为宝石和珠宝行业创造更美好的未来」研讨会实况回顾 心 [广东省珠宝玉石交易中心 2023-03-13]
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/WTN1eqreMFzbKBrt43hYNQ 聚焦翡翠标准国际化,「产学研用」创新融合研讨会圆满举办 [广东省珠宝玉石交易中心 2023-03-07]
https://feicui.gahk.org/20210727 「翡翠標準國際化:關鍵持份者和相關監管機構之間的全球化協調工作」
https://feicui.gahk.org/20210420news Celebrating the launch of the Fei Cui Standard Website—moving towards an International Standard
https://feicui.gahk.org/international 翡翠標準的國際化
https://feicui.gahk.org/important_announcement Standard Methods for Testing Fei Cui for Hong Kong (HKSM/FCT-2016)
https://feicui.gahk.org/about_us 《香港翡翠標準測試⽅法》和翡翠的定義
https://feicui.gahk.org/cpd_p+feicui_cg CPD Programme and Fei Cui Certified Gemmologist Registration System
https://feicui.gahk.org/index.php?route=gahk/personnel 業界顧問, 專業顧問及翡翠標準項目的支持機構
Please register by one of the following methods on or before 20 April 2023:
Download Schedule and Reply Slip