Important Announment

Celebrating the launch of the Fei Cui Standard Website—moving towards an International Standard

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Important announcement

Standard Methods for Testing Fei Cui for Hong Kong (HKSM/FCT-2016)


In February 2016, GAHK issued and published the English version of the "Standard Methods for Testing Fei Cui for Hong Kong" (HKSM/FCT-2016). This Standard is to provide local gemstone testing laboratories with technical specifications to classify a Fei Cui test item (which has met the definition of Fei Cui and Natural Fei Cui specified in the Trade Descriptions Ordinance) known as Type A, Type B, Type C or Type B+C. The Chinese version of this Standard was also issued in September 2018.  Public can freely view and download the bilingual version of this Standard from the GAHK website (

Master Template of Fei Cui Testing Report


GAHK would like to announce that the "Standard Methods for Testing Fei Cui for Hong Kong" (HKSM/FCT-2016) will replace the "Standard Methods for Testing Fei Cui (Jadeite Jade) for Hong Kong" (HKSM/JJT-2006) effective from 1 July 2021.  The testing reports, which were based on the technical requirements of the "Standard Methods for Testing Fei Cui (Jadeite Jade) for Hong Kong" (HKSM/JJT-2006), would be continued to be recognised as valid only if they are issued before 1 July 2021. Public should be attentive to the content, conclusion and date set out in the testing reports.

Starting from 1 July 2021, the "Standard Methods for Testing Fei Cui (Jadeite Jade) for Hong Kong" (HKSM/JJT-2006), which is posted in the GAHK's website(, is for reference purpose only.